Wednesday, July 31, 2013

john tenbrink - thermotron training - You Don't Win Friends With Salad!


when i worked with john tenbrink-- he was always trying to get his co workers to go to the BAR with him and get Drunk--

\when ever he could he would get the customer to come along-- and buy him lunch-- get him drunk--

and then ask the customer to writ a "glowing "report on his job performance--

and Bob Wiley the "lying idoit" Drunk-- woule see what a "fine job" john tenbrink did for thermotron

yes john tenbrink was a find guy -- who would lead his co workers astray-- and then back stab them--- just like thomas bannach -- and his gang of liar's and thieves

mark lamers-- and randy herdes funniest bits-- thermotron perverts and holland michigan liars

yes get your start

at thermotron--- we will pay you 10'00 that's ten dollars a n hour--

and that is more then "miminum wage!!

former employee

well you are right
it is safe to say "only say good things"

as i don't have very many good things to say about the different liers thieves and embzzlers and drunks and slanders i worked thermotron ..

nownow as tom bannish bragged it's ok to be currupt ..
he like most of the people who are evil there will be dead and go to hell..

good riddence.

as a matter of face do you know of any of the people from there who have good character?

i can count them on one hand

But as i have never worked with such a big determined gang of liers, slanders and theves, as with thermotron..

The Boeing project i got introduced to tenbrink and durham.. both liers and embezzlers, and drunks this is the first time management allowed people to be drunk on the job and falseafy their work hours.. (i think not)

but bob wiles was a lier and a drunk..

I was the exception and that is why Mr Pietz at boeing hired me 3 years later.. i am normal.. and reliable. He said that he likes to hire people who u don't have to wonder what they are doing

John TenBrink was such a bad example of a Thermotron employee that he could'nt get them to hire him even as a custodian, janitor. That was during the time boeing had over 25,000 thousand employees.. and he found that he couldn't find a decient job any where in kansas..

So finally he begged Bob Wiley (he was now a promotion guy)at sexton Espec inc. because "Old Bob is as smart as a fox) ya right.. if u believe that then we will sell your children out as Whores.

But after misleading mardy rich.. and defrauding him, John Tenbrink got to go into sales.. and sales in the chamber business is getting the customer drunk and pretending u are their friend.

from there he went to Environtronics, where Gary Molinar was just leaving.. as he said about john.. it dosen't take much to fill out a "request for material" and his evualiation of Environtronics was that as a "spin off" company.. they took 2 steps and fell on their face..

I met Gary Molinar at Russles Technicial Products.. and at this company Don Bench hired people who needed to learn a trade.. and learn a job

But Gary said he was different .. He came there to Do a Job" not just learn a job.

I quit here because Bill Bench was sending me out to start-up equipment that didn't quite work right.. and finally bill told me that that it didn't matter if the equipment worked at all, my job was to get the customer to sign off. I told him i didn't defraud people. and lia.. so he drummed me out.. The last job in New York.. was typical of his style.. "he shipped a 40 by 50 foot walkin chamber that had never been tested or assembled..
and the customer thought there would be a factory team to complete this project.. but there was only me. ha

back at thermotron

Tom bannash promoted lieing cheating and stealing and embezzeling and slandering employees on the west coast, he said "everyone is the manager" and he would go around saying"sombody said , this or that but i didn't believe it, or he would tell me and others that "He lied for U"

Then he would send Dean Tripp an old time sales/manager/senior service guy to lie to his co-workers to find out what was going on. (dean tripp is in Farmington New Mex) he said they like people who are like this..

Tom Bannish bragged that Roger Cannery let him do "His thing" which was:

1. it's ok to lie,cheat and defraud people a little bit everyday (because everyone he knows is that way) he told me that everyone was cheating on their expenses and that i needed to do the same. (Get with the program)
2. if someone does a good job he will lie and say they did a bad job.
3.if someone does a bad job he will lie and say they did a good job
4if some one needs help with a job, he will lie and say they don't need help.
5if someone doesnot need help he will lie and say that they need help.

the evil guy i worked with once showed me all the placed he robbed in Pasidena California as he was growing up.

He robbed customers daily and bo bjarno the sales staff and my self told tom banish and he considered it ok.

This guy robbed and embezzled over 50,000 dollars
and jim roulfes helped him steal an additional 20,000 thousand
by removing bo bjarno the last blockage.

Now even though bo was a drunk he had better character than bannash.

Tom Bannash bragged he could lible slander every one and you people would believe his lies.,

Now the fact
that dan o'keff and tom bannash called employees and co-workers the "gay " and the gay
blade behind" their back is another example of the slandering evil attitude that was there.

Hil sysbesma told me embezzling was not stealing it was "working the system"his rate was about $000 .00 while i was there...

So, now Jim Roulives made him a sales man..

the big joke was that he took a pay cut to go into sales.. ya right.

Oh ya Curtt (bo bjarno's ) replacement said all jim rulloff did was walk around with a good grip on his ankles.

Obviously dan o'keef would make any Roman Catholic childmolester or petafile safe and proud,

Dan O'keefe did tell me that this company lets in any type of person.. when i asked Tom Bannash what the Hell he ment by that?

his reply was typical for a tom bannish

"I don't know"
Nobody else askes me that question.

ask wayne or mark lamers

oh what's the surprise??

if u work for thermotron expect to be lied to .. because this company is run like a male /female escort service

mark lamers at thermotron a photo of himself every day 1.47min HD-- gee good people not here

yes at thermotron --

you can spend your life aas a lier , cheat , and pervert--


My escort informed me that he wanted me to see a demon in the process of actually possessing a human being.

At this point in the trip, I was escorted back through the dimension wall separating the Second Heaven from the physical world.

When we came back into this world, we were in the same hospital with my body but in a different room.

The room appeared to be an employee's lounge. I saw tables, chairs, dishes with food, and in the room were a young man and a young lady facing each other while laughing and talking. It was obvious that they could not see nor the angels, yet I was so close to them I could almost reach out and touch them.

I could hear and understand every word they said.

They thought they were alone and as they laughed and talked, they were unaware of the horrible creature standing between them.

This demon was so horrible in the appearance of his shape and form that I recognized him immediately to be from the lower group, the perverted group.

The angels, the demons, and I were in the spirit in that room and were aware of everything that was happening.

Those in the flesh were only aware of themselves for they could not see or hear us even though we were back in this physical world.

Since we were in the spirit, we still communicated with our minds.I was not really paying close attention to the words the two were speaking.

My entire attention was focused upon the demon.

He was a most horrible looking thing, reminding me of an over–grown, stuffed, slimy, green frog all out of shape and proportion.

He moved slowly up into the face of the man then, suddenly, like a puff of smoke, he seemed to disappear into the face of the an just as if he went through the pores of his skin.

When the demon had entered the man, the angels said, “Now it's done.”

The angel then proceeded to tell me how it was that this man was possessed. He stated, “The demon made himself desirable and attractive to the human.”

The angel then pointed out to me that mankind has a sovereign will, all his own, beyond which the demons cannot come.

He also pointed out to me that the angels could not come beyond that sovereign will of man. God, Himself, will not violate that will.

We are made in the image of God, therefore, we were given, like God, a sovereign will, the right to choose our destiny.

I was not permitted to retain all that I learned along these lines.

[Not Pittman's comment but mine —kissed a frog (demon), got a prince (demon)… people ought to watch what they say… book of Revelation – frog demons will be loosed… in the last days.

I have found that many of the things we say in slang, have been set up by the demons as actual things… if you knew and understood you would never say them again…

such things like “he's just a little devil,”

and there are many others we say that need to be stopped immediately as Christians!

Also, holy angels never, never, never enter ever human beings…]


The second most powerful type demon was also revealed to me in human form and these demons looked like ordinary people.

All of those possessing this area of expertise seemed to group together at about the second place of command.

Chief among this group was the demon of greed and contained within this same group were demons of hate, lust, strife, and a few others.

The third most powerful type and group of demons were revealed to me in mixed shapes and forms. Some had human form while others had half–human and half–animal forms. Others resembled animals in their forms.

These demons possessed skills in the dark arts area such as witchcraft and other related areas. Also among this group were demons of fear and the demons of self–destruction as well as those demons which are expert in mimicking departed human spirits [familiar spirits] and in manifesting themselves to the physical world as ghosts.

When we got down to the fourth group, or order, all the demons of this rank were revealed in forms other than human.

Some had forms like known animals while others had unknown forms. In this group were the demons of murder, brutality, sadism, and others related to carnage.

As we moved even further down the order toward the end of the chain of command, all the demons were revealed in horrible and morbid forms.

Some were so revolting that their appearance produced nausea.

They are so despised by their own companions that they always seem to be lurking off to themselves while in the Second Heaven and even while in this physical world.

They do not associate with the other demons except in the line of their duty.

former employee

well you are right
it is safe to say "only say good things"

as i don't have very many good things to say about the different liers thieves and embzzlers and drunks and slanders i worked thermotron ..

nownow as tom bannish bragged it's ok to be currupt ..
he like most of the people who are evil there will be dead and go to hell..

good riddence.

as a matter of face do you know of any of the people from there who have good character?

i can count them on one hand

But as i have never worked with such a big determined gang of liers, slanders and theves, as with thermotron..

The Boeing project i got introduced to tenbrink and durham.. both liers and embezzlers, and drunks this is the first time management allowed people to be drunk on the job and falseafy their work hours.. (i think not)

but bob wiles was a lier and a drunk..

I was the exception and that is why Mr Pietz at boeing hired me 3 years later.. i am normal.. and reliable. He said that he likes to hire people who u don't have to wonder what they are doing

John TenBrink was such a bad example of a Thermotron employee that he could'nt get them to hire him even as a custodian, janitor. That was during the time boeing had over 25,000 thousand employees.. and he found that he couldn't find a decient job any where in kansas..

So finally he begged Bob Wiley (he was now a promotion guy)at sexton Espec inc. because "Old Bob is as smart as a fox) ya right.. if u believe that then we will sell your children out as Whores.

But after misleading mardy rich.. and defrauding him, John Tenbrink got to go into sales.. and sales in the chamber business is getting the customer drunk and pretending u are their friend.

from there he went to Environtronics, where Gary Molinar was just leaving.. as he said about john.. it dosen't take much to fill out a "request for material" and his evualiation of Environtronics was that as a "spin off" company.. they took 2 steps and fell on their face..

I met Gary Molinar at Russles Technicial Products.. and at this company Don Bench hired people who needed to learn a trade.. and learn a job

But Gary said he was different .. He came there to Do a Job" not just learn a job.

I quit here because Bill Bench was sending me out to start-up equipment that didn't quite work right.. and finally bill told me that that it didn't matter if the equipment worked at all, my job was to get the customer to sign off. I told him i didn't defraud people. and lia.. so he drummed me out.. The last job in New York.. was typical of his style.. "he shipped a 40 by 50 foot walkin chamber that had never been tested or assembled..
and the customer thought there would be a factory team to complete this project.. but there was only me. ha

back at thermotron

Tom bannash promoted lieing cheating and stealing and embezzeling and slandering employees on the west coast, he said "everyone is the manager" and he would go around saying"sombody said , this or that but i didn't believe it, or he would tell me and others that "He lied for U"

Then he would send Dean Tripp an old time sales/manager/senior service guy to lie to his co-workers to find out what was going on. (dean tripp is in Farmington New Mex) he said they like people who are like this..

Tom Bannish bragged that Roger Cannery let him do "His thing" which was:

1. it's ok to lie,cheat and defraud people a little bit everyday (because everyone he knows is that way) he told me that everyone was cheating on their expenses and that i needed to do the same. (Get with the program)
2. if someone does a good job he will lie and say they did a bad job.
3.if someone does a bad job he will lie and say they did a good job
4if some one needs help with a job, he will lie and say they don't need help.
5if someone doesnot need help he will lie and say that they need help.

the evil guy i worked with once showed me all the placed he robbed in Pasidena California as he was growing up.

He robbed customers daily and bo bjarno the sales staff and my self told tom banish and he considered it ok.

This guy robbed and embezzled over 50,000 dollars
and jim roulfes helped him steal an additional 20,000 thousand
by removing bo bjarno the last blockage.

Now even though bo was a drunk he had better character than bannash.

Tom Bannash bragged he could lible slander every one and you people would believe his lies.,

Now the fact
that dan o'keff and tom bannash called employees and co-workers the "gay " and the gay
blade behind" their back is another example of the slandering evil attitude that was there.

Hil sysbesma told me embezzling was not stealing it was "working the system"his rate was about $000 .00 while i was there...

So, now Jim Roulives made him a sales man..

the big joke was that he took a pay cut to go into sales.. ya right.

Oh ya Curtt (bo bjarno's ) replacement said all jim rulloff did was walk around with a good grip on his ankles.

Obviously dan o'keef would make any Roman Catholic childmolester or petafile safe and proud,

Dan O'keefe did tell me that this company lets in any type of person.. when i asked Tom Bannash what the Hell he ment by that?

his reply was typical for a tom bannish

"I don't know"
Nobody else askes me that question.

ask wayne or mark lamers

oh what's the surprise??

if u work for thermotron expect to be lied to .. because this company is run like a male /female escort service

sybesma -- management training-- Herbert the Pervert--

ok sure you are a pervert

herbert the pervert-- worked at thermotron-- in San-Diago--

you don't have to be a liar , cheat , embezzler to work with herbert the pervert--at Thermotron

but it sure helps

Field Service.. employment Opportunity experience optional !!.................. ocean ...front-service , learn water boarding

Field Service Opportunity

Country: USA

Location: California-Los Angeles El Segundo, CA 90245

Total applied: 40

Salary/Wage:Competitive Base rate + Bonus

Job Category:Installation/Maintenance/Repair

Relevant Work Experience:2+ to 5 Years

Education Level:Vocational

Location:El Segundo, CA 90245

Status:Full Time, Employee
Occupations:Equipment Install/Maintain/Repair;HVAC;General/Other: Installation/Maintenance/Repair
Career Level:Experienced (Non-Manager)
Relevant Work Experience:2+ to 5 Years

Field Service Opportunity
Thermotron Industries

is seeking a
dynamic Field Service Technician
to install, maintain, repair and upgrade our Test Chambers and equipment in a Los Angeles / El Segundo based territory.We offer an excellent pay package with incentive bonus.

Great support and training on the equipment Work with high tech customers in many different industries a chance to work at the top of the field

Company Vehicle and paid expenses.. for your personal use

Please apply immediately for consideration.

Thermotron dean tripp management training - Real Ending

ok sure
at thermotron

management training -- only requires that you lie and cheat em-- on a daily basis

employment opportunity thermotron former employee (happy ending)

Dean tripp "hoped" that Daniel J. O'keefe could keep thermotron in business long enough that he could make use of the retirement fund

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How To Sell Your Soul (3 Easy Steps) thermotron manager training

How To Sell Your Soul (3 Easy Steps) thermotron manager training

Friday, December 28, 2012

Say What Again!!-- thermotron treat the employes like family

At thermotron the many field service engineers i worked with all bragged "what " liars and thieves they were--

the the sales personal were liars and drunks  -- get the "skinny" from Tamera Kennedy--

she has been a dishonest -- deceiver -- most of her career

The Jerk - thermotron field service training shithead


Oct 24 Field Service Technician Refrigeration UK-Berkshire Thermotron Industries
Oct 24 Sr. Sales Capital Equipment UK-Reading Thermotron Industries
Oct 2 Field Service Technician US-CA-Los Angeles Thermotron Industries
Dec 25 Field Service Engineer US-CA-El Segundo Thermotron Industries
Sep 17 Manufacturing Support- Mechanical Assembly focus US-MI-Holland Thermotron Industries
Sep 17 Manufacturing Support-Refrigeration/ HVAC focus US-MI-Holland Thermotron Industries
Dec 25 Field Service : Refrigeration US-IN-Castleton Thermotron Industries
Oct 3 Division Controller US-MI-Holland Thermotron Industries

Friday, December 14, 2012

thermotron field service engineer-- Intro--r DUTCH AND CHRISTIAN .. MICHIGAN WEST COAST HYPOCRITES


bannach the blasphimer has been working with such equipment for over 35 years.

normanly it only takes a year and a half of training to perform this fun--c--tion..

Tom started at Thermotron (Holland, Michigan, where he currently resides) in 1968.

During that time he drummed out many of his co-workers and after druming out jeff shulti who was the mid-west manager .. ( talk 2 tom patterson or dick alverson)

TOM rose to West Coast Service Manager/dispatcher (lier and slander) 
where he defrauded over 90% of his co-workers and drummed them out..

He encouraged everyone to be dishonest and deceiteful, and embezzles a little bit every day
.. and he bragged that every one would believe
 his lies..

dean tripp in framington new mexico

a long time thermotron employee as dean may tell you they (thermotron)like people who steal and lie..thay way they are( 1 of them ) and they then have something to (hold over them)

Fred Plont said about tom bannach "He left the west coast in "SHAMBLES"

then to corporate Training Supervisor, responsible for the technical training of 0 (zero) service engineers BUT SERVICE TECHNICIANS.. .

tom would say about his co workers when he worked on the west coast..i couldn't even spell en-gin-e-er and nOw i iS oNe !!

Now actually tom bannach was not responsible for anything.. because he ALWAYS BLAMED IT ON SOMEONE ELSE !!

If U asked tom for help on the west coast his reply was

1. no one else askes me questions ( why are U)??

2. I don't know

3. That's your job..

4. It is your job to train the less skilled employee.

5. It's ok to lie to the customer.(ASK HARRY GRACE about that (one of the many replacements) (or maybe dan deperts out of seattle .. he lasted almost 1 year)

Hil sysbesma..who is with tenny now.(he says he has the same "problem" )

Jerry Sinzaks wife ( the nurse) told me thermotron likes to give Out TITLES

Instead of money for raises.

Gregory V Johnson really liked tom... because as "tom's" false wittness and thief and liar" he was able to steal and rob his co-workers.. and the customer..tom let him have his way..

he was a thermotron PET!

gregory v johnson .. bragged how much he embezzled .. and that he was not as big of thief as hil sysbesma .. tom bannash's holland buddy.. and they went to each others church..

Now hil .. bragges that embezzlement and the like is not stealing ..

it's called :WORKING THE SYSTEM"hil sysbesma was another one of the clans..

who would lie to his co-workers and lead them astray.. to help "build a case against them"

When Hil .. hired a guy to replacement Mike Gillio, (who tom drummed out).. that replacement lasted about 1 month..

he said WELLL I TOLD HIM THAT THERE WAS A LOT OF "on the job training

hil is another .. with NO TRAINING IN ANYTHINg .. except .. lying and embezzlement

John tenbrink was another one.. who when he backstabbed his co-workers at thermotron and ESPEC .

.he would say "Old Bob Wiley " IS AS SMART AS A FOX"

(to hide his backstabbing lying)I was stuck with that low-life for 9 months on a job.. ..

john found that no one else would hire him except Bob-less wiley.. who told john that it was

"Ok to lie about what was happening on a job" so long as U didn't get BoB-less in trouble..

ALSO Mitch Kerr of ALLTEMPENG fame told me that

He knew that thermotron employe's under tom bannach's management were backstabbers and slanders and thieves.. roger cannary.. the national service manager..

He and TOM were asked by employee's ..

"what was thermotron budget's for thief and embezzlement..

or dave waterfield.. as i told him.. the west coast was a DEN OF LIARS AND THIEVES when tome bannach was there!!

these are just 4 of the holland "clans" where U can see the generational pervert curse..

Now jesus says it would be better if a rock was put around his neck and he was thrown into the lake..and that because

hil and tom and the others ,.. teach that it is "OK" to lie, cheat and steal..

the best that they will be is called the "least" in the Kingdom of God"!!unless they don't repent and then they will go to HELL,

ck out U-tube to see that place but this is typical of a "Holland Michigan Whore"


their churches are empty.. of the real presence of  GOd

they have "itching ears" tom bannach did tellsaid he tried 2 work somewhere else in california..

but that they wanted him to work 2 hard..

so he "BEGGED" bob LESS wiley  the liar and drunk--for a job again..

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Field Service Technician --Tamera Kennedy Thermotron Industries

ok okok start here thermotron

Oct 2 Field Service Technician US-CA-Los Angeles Thermotron Industries
Sep 26 Field Service Refrigeration US-CA-Los Angeles Thermotron Industries
Oct 21 Field Service Engineer US-RI-Rhode Island Thermotron Industries
Sep 17 Manufacturing Support- Mechanical Assembly focus US-MI-Holland Thermotron Industries
Sep 17 Manufacturing Support-Refrigeration/ HVAC focus US-MI-Holland Thermotron Industries
Aug 10 Field Service Technician Refrigeration/HVAC US-IN-Indianapolis Thermotron Industries
Oct 23 Test Technician US-CA-Moorpark Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense (EBAD)
Oct 3 Division Controller US-MI-Holland Thermotron Industries

Field Service Technician - (US-CA-Los Angeles - 91335)
Minimum Education:
Tech School
Job Type:
Full Time
Email this job to yourself or to a friend | Job Match Test | Resume Guide


Click Here to Apply Online
Use your mechanical and refrigeration skills to install, repair, maintain and troubleshoot Thermotron Test Chambers in a Los Angeles based territory.
We have great training and support for our service positions.

Visit our website for more information about our company and the equipment we manufacture.

Tamera Kennedy Thermotron Industries 291 Kollen Park Drive Holland, MI 49423Fax: 616-393-4796Phone: 616-392-1491Click Here to Apply Online

Thermotron--Batman & Robin are QUEER?-- get training with Thomas W Bannach

Ask thomas bannach about his behavior when he was the West coast manager--

he libled and slandered --- and drummed out---90% --- of his co-workers-- he liked to call his co-workers GAY-- behind their back---

Thomas W Bannach -- where Backstabbing is a Holland michigan Thermotron game--

and remember -- his close buddy hil--- said embezzling--- is not  stealing---

at thermotron it is called "Working--the---system---!!!